

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Basic Tools & Configuration You Should Know About To Be In Field Of Ethical Hacking

Basic Tools & Configuration You Should Know About To Be In Field Of Ethical Hacking

Kharl G:
Basic Tools & Configurations You Should Know About To Be In Field Of Ethical Hacking
Google Drive technical handbook link
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🚧 Top 5 hacking apps for Android 🚧

🍕 @KharlG_inc

1. DroidSQLi – Download It Here

2. DSploit – Download It Here

3. Android nmap – Download It Here

4. WPA WPS Tester – Download It Here

5. zANTi – Download It Here

Credit:-@ Kharl G

Ok. Now we’re going to have some discussions about the basic configs and security checks you should take so that you can be safe in your hacking deeds. Well, the cyber-world is no way dissimilar to the actual world, where lots of crimes are committed everyday, and ofcourse you don’t want to be targetted by some dull skids, and also, you may never need cops outside your door if ever you did something dull, out of curiosity.
What is the “Limit” of your Machine?
First of all, as everything we start, here also we must know what is the “limit” or capacity of your computer. You need to know the basic specifications of your computer like:
The memory size of the RAM and the HDD
• The speed of your processor
• How extreme your graphics card can go, etc
Now you will be more aware of the limitations of your system as you have completed a background check of your machine. So you know what you CAN do and what you CAN’T do with your box.
Essential Softwares you need to Install in your Machine?
Guess what? This tutorial is mostly biased to support Windows Operating system because of one and only one reason, its reach to the public and the easness in its usage. Frankly, Windows is the most commonly used Operating System in the word as you all may know. And it is only because of its popularity these hackers/ breachers are attacking mostly windows systems. The velow programs that are discussed will work mainly on windows but some of it will work in Linux/ Mac too.
1. Anti-Virus Program
Yes, every one will know about it. No need of an explanation here. This is the first line of defense that every one will take. It is adviable to be used in every system, so as to ensure the security at the cost of performance and resources.
2. Virtual Machine
At the word that we are currenlty living in, The Virtual Machines are the inevitable part of the System of a Hacker. Every latest viruses that is being released everyday can easily byepass the antivirus securities. Though the antivirus softwares constantly updates their defintions to include more virus signatures, by that time the viruses would have done their tasks.
Here, we are the one who will be making RATS/ Keyloggers and exploits. So the risk of testing these kinds of stuffs will be high as, many times, we may have to compromise the stability of our Operating Systsm and may have to re install them.
So basically, what is a virtual machine? Well, it is a virtual computer inside you OS which is being simulated to perform the real computer tasks in reality. As I said, when you are creating exploits and all, sometimes things can go fataly wrong and you may lose all of your valuable data. So as a remedy, we can use a virtual machine to develop and test our stuffs. The virtual machine will create a virtual hard disk and executes all the programs withi it. So the scope of your program’s execution environment will be contained within the virtual hard disk inside you virtual machine and you can keep your hot operating system safe and sound.
The main disadvantages of the vitual machines are , they will take a lot of resources to sinulate a virtual computer inside your real one. It can be ignored when we can foresee the benefits that we will be getting.
3. Sandboxie
So, now you will be thinking about developing some exploits/ RATS. In that case, your system will be your laboratory. So we must give our lab, its own defences.
Sandboxie is a program that will let you run your suspicious programs inside it. Usually, the execution will be done in some remote memory locations that are isolated from the main execution environment. So when you run the application within it, we can easily terminate it at our need without causing a damage to our “Lab’.
4. COMODO Firewall
As an additional security, you can install a firewall in additional to the host operating systems default firewall. Comodo firewall holds some flexible UI so as to monitor every actions that are being performed through our open ports.
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